
As a point of contact, you can:

  • register individual visitors coming to visit the office

  • bulk upload multiple visitors coming to visit the office

  • provide your guest(s) with an email confirmation and instructions to access your building

  • receive a notification when your visitors check in

How to Register Individual Visitors

  1. Navigate to the Visitors section of the dashboard.

  2. Click +Add A Visitor in the upper right corner.

  3. Fill out all necessary information for yourself or the person for which you are creating the reservation.

  4. From here, you can choose to register the visitor for a single date, or multiple dates.

How to Register Multiple Visitors

  1. Navigate to the Visitors section of the dashboard.

  2. Click Upload Visitors in the upper right corner.

  3. Follow the detailed steps for using the template, adding visitors, and uploading into the dashboard.